Any of you out there struggling with discouragement lately? Maybe I have because it's easier to feel whatever emotion is it when you're pregnant, I don't know.
We've had a lot going on lately, and I've been fighting the financial 'depression bug'.
~We found out that not only does Vern NOT get any money back from our taxes this year, but he has to pay out instead. I knew from my past years that I would still have to pay for my 4 months of self-employment last year, and was prepared for that. We were NOT prepared for Vern to have to join me in that though. I think it can go without saying that when I found out we were paying out only this year, with no help back, I took it rather hard.
~While preparing our taxes this year, we found an unpaid bill that Vern wasn't aware still existed, and it's rather substantial. Though we have until the end of the year to pay it, we want to get it paid off as soon as possible.
~Our washing machine decided it would act up
again on Tuesday, and got worse than before, smelling hot and not finishing its cycle as it was supposed to, yet the dial was around to off. Long story short, we now have to find another washer, and dump this old one, which is ancient and has surprised me by holding up
this long.
~Naturally, reality has it that your other bills don't stop coming in just because you've had unexpected setbacks with new bills that just created themselves.
~Our baby is due in 8 1/2 weeks, and new expenses are fixing to occur with all that.
~Vern has to figure out what's happening financially for school next year, if he is to go back.
So I've been trying to remember how blessed we are through all this turmoil going on in my mind and heart, and something the teacher in our ladies' SS class on Sunday shared has really been running through my mind this week. It goes something like this:
The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith. The beginning of faith is the end of anxiety.
Then I think about my cousin who is still fighting cancer, and an aunt who lost her husband to cancer only a year and a half ago, and now has cancer herself, and was told five weeks ago that she wouldn't live more than a month without treatment, but she is still here! Their situations are so much more complicated than ours, so why am I allowing myself to get down about our problems?! Like I said, maybe it's because I know with the baby's time coming closer all the time, life isn't going to get any easier for a while, but hey! Life isn't a bed of roses without the thorns!
So for today--a few things I'm thankful for:
~a healthy pregnancy
~Our needs have always been met somehow so far, so why need I fear how He will keep providing?
~Vern's medical insurance and Medicaid, which are paying for my prenatal appointments and hospital stay, therefore saving us
those huge bills.
~Our vehicles are running.
~The flat tire I had the other week started close to home and finished going flat in the carport. Vern's class the next morning wasn't until 10, giving him time to change the tire for me in the daylight, before heading off to class.
God provided once again and kept me safe.~Vern's work schedule is fixing to change in a week and a half, giving him more time to study during the weekday evenings, though it will take him away on Saturdays.
I could name so many more blessings, but I'll only share those for now.
What tidbits, phrases or other type of encouragement have you heard or read lately that has helped you put things back into proper perspective?
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