Wednesday, November 30

A Breakthrough

I've finally started enjoying this semester. Ever since the semester started, I've been running like a headless bird. Now, it's finally slowed down. I feel like I might have gotten my head back. Finally.

I had my Organic Chemistry test today. It was easier than I expected. My physics test yesterday was pretty good, but I know that I messed up on one problem.

One problem of four on the test. Yikes.

Anyway, back to my OChem. I actually found time over my Thanksgiving holiday (from school, not work) to do my homework for Chapters 8, 10, and 11. Trust me, It's not easy to find time to do 150 problems for one class, plus do the work for your other classes. That's why I hadn't gotten it done before. But I got my homework done, so that's two points of extra credit. Doing the homework helped me to understand the material, which helped me out immensely on the test. Strange, huh? So here I am, waiting with eager anticipation to see what I made. I'm confident in a high A.

And on top of the world.

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Saturday, November 19

Just Curious

In watching my sitemeter, I've noticed a strange thing. I've still got people visiting my site every day. Now, I know that there are people who expect us to post eventually, and therefore they keep coming back. But I'm wondering, now what brings you here every day? I'm not trying to tell you to go away, I just want some feedback. What do you want from this site? What do you expect? Oh, and yeah, where are you from? This last question is not for all you who have commented on here, or that know that I know who you are. Just for any newcomers and/or those curious anonymous visitors. How regularly do you visit? Any suggestions for posting material?

Just curious.

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Wednesday, November 16


Our weekend went well with Chad's the other weekend, and that Saturday night, our mutual friends Doug and Laura Heatwole and son, from SC, were able to hang out with us at our place.

Since then, we've been doing normal routine of school and work and housework and appts. during the week and catch up and church on weekends.

This morning Vern registered for his classes at ASU next semester, and once he got to work this afternoon, was working on getting that schedule straight from January to May, as well.

Friday night is his 'company' supper--UH's employee Christmas party, so we'll be going to that...we'll see how long we last---it's from 7 PM to midnight, and Vern doesn't get off work till 8 or after, so I'll meet him at the hospital, and then we'll go from there to wherever the party is.

Hope you have a God-filled weekend!

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Wednesday, November 2

Busy Weekend Ahead

I was hoping Vern could post this weekend, but we're going to be 'full up'! Vern gets out of school Friday at 11 AM and has only a few hours before we are to leave for Hartwell, GA for the fellowship meetings that are going on that weekend, for which the quartet is singing that particular night, as been alluded to in Paul's blog.

After the meetings Friday night, our friends Chad and Doris Mast and their 7-month-old daughter, from Athens, TN, are coming back with us, and will spend the weekend here with us.

Vern also has another assignment Saturday morning for his humanities class. He is to attend a Catholic church this time. I wonder if mass will be in session..........

Enjoy your weekend, folks!

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