A Breakthrough
I've finally started enjoying this semester. Ever since the semester started, I've been running like a headless bird. Now, it's finally slowed down. I feel like I might have gotten my head back. Finally.
I had my Organic Chemistry test today. It was easier than I expected. My physics test yesterday was pretty good, but I know that I messed up on one problem.
One problem of four on the test. Yikes.
Anyway, back to my OChem. I actually found time over my Thanksgiving holiday (from school, not work) to do my homework for Chapters 8, 10, and 11. Trust me, It's not easy to find time to do 150 problems for one class, plus do the work for your other classes. That's why I hadn't gotten it done before. But I got my homework done, so that's two points of extra credit. Doing the homework helped me to understand the material, which helped me out immensely on the test. Strange, huh? So here I am, waiting with eager anticipation to see what I made. I'm confident in a high A.
And on top of the world.
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