Sunday, June 5


This is entirely ridiculous!! The audacity of some people who will try anything to get rich...

Barf bucket please!

Read ALL about it...

Thursday, June 2

My Interview

It was great to have Lez with me for the interview at University Hospital yesterday. Even though she was not able to be with me during the interview, just having her out in the waiting room was a great moral support!! Thanks Lez!!!

The interview went well. I first met with F. H., the Human Resources consultant. After we talked for awhile, she took me up to the surgical floor to talk with the floor supervisor. This was all very informative and interesting. We went back down to the Department of HR to finish the interview. They are supposed to get back with me today or tomorrow to let me know whether or not I have the job. I am quite confident that I do.

You are probably wondering what my job will consist of. I will be a "Walker." Meaning expressly that. I will be getting post-op patients up and ambulating them, helping them get up and going, circulation going, etc. It will be hard (sometimes) work, but I am looking forward to it.

For those of you who were praying for me yesterday, thanks!! (This is embarrassing.) There was one time close to the end of the interview that I started feeling light-headed and felt the room starting to move. It immediately went away, came back, and went away for good. I blame it on the stress and not having eaten all day. Oh well.

Read ALL about it...