Friday, April 20


The newest thing in our lives is that Morgan is no longer coming here. So now Kaylie follows me around the house, not quite sure about playing on her own anymore. We also get to tighten our belts a lot more now!

I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control and has allowed all this to happen for a reason. Please pray for us in the coming weeks and months as we figure out how to deal with these unexpected changes.

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Thursday, April 12

Beautiful Weather

The LORD has blessed us with beautiful spring weather today! It's very breezy, but pleasantly so. The girls and I have spent a great deal of time outside today, as we could in two sessions and have enjoyed it immensely!

I'm thanking God for giving us a sunshiney day to take my blues away!
How's your day been?

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If you happen past here the next couple days, please pray for me. I'll just say this--I'm in great physical pain. I am relying heavily on the Lord's strength to get me thru the next couple days when I'm solely responsible for my girls, when all I want to do is curl up in a ball and stay in the bed. Anyone else ever felt like that? =]

God bless your day today!

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Wednesday, April 4


Here's more pictures of our 11 month old Munchkin, who weighed in yesterday at 18 lbs. even.

Caught in the book nook reading Little Little Golden Books.

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Monday, April 2

Good Songs

My cousins, the Nathan Good family, made a cd which is now out, and I must say, I so enjoy it! Some of the songs are so appropriate for our situation right now and really minister to me!
Here's one:

Wherever You Are
Are you standing at a crossroad wondering which road you should take?
And you're dreading the decision and a possible mistake.
But the will of God won't lead you where the grace of God can't keep you,
And you will never be out of His care, remember that the Lord's already there.

Wherever you are, wherever you're going,
God is right there beside you seeing and knowing.
Wherever you go He already knows what lies ahead and what's behind.
You'll always find He's never too far from wherever you are.

You are waiting to hear thunder and see lightning in the sky.
O, but God can work His wonders through a still small voice inside.
So keep listening and learning and continue on the journey,
Just following the One who is the way. O He's the only road you need to take.

Wherever you are, wherever you're going,
God is right there beside you seeing and knowing.
Wherever you go, He already knows what lies ahead and what's behind.
You'll always find He's never too far from wherever you are.

Read ALL about it...