Wednesday, March 9

Trying Something New

I'm trying something new that I plan to try for the rest of the semester. I say plan because my weak human flesh will try to get me to do otherwise as much as it can. I'm changing my school day. Seriously. I used to get out of chemistry or Biology class (depending on the day), take my bookbag out to my car, get my laptop and calculus book, and go goof off until calculus class at 1:00. So I'm trying something different. I'm taking a break from that. I hereby determine that I will leave my computer in the car until I have studied my chemistry homework for the day and am prepared for my calculus class. All my homework shall be completed, and visits to the computer room shall be limited to finding class-related material and the occasional blog, along with commenting on other blogs and checking them out. Time will become a precious commodity instead of something to waste. All this because I must take school seriously if I am to excel and gain understanding.

Pray for me.


At 3/09/2005 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck. I think your plan is a good one. Absorb Life and Learning.

At 3/09/2005 9:27 PM, Blogger Truthseeker said...

I will pray too that you can give this system a good go. It sounds like a winning plan, stay strong!


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