Friday, April 21

Reality Check

So, my grades are not the greatest this semester. I'm taking a serious cut in my GPA, and I'm not happy about that at all. However, it's not the end of the world. My advisor told me to just take this as a speedbump and keep going, trying to bounce back from this in the fall semester. It's not going to be easy, but I'll do my best with my God's help.

I've got tests coming up out the wazoo these next few weeks. Next Thursday, Friday, the next Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the next Monday and Wednesday. Now that will keep me busy! Pray for me/us please.

I've got a relaxer coming up this weekend. There's a cow sale (see the article and me in this picture from last year) that I'm going to (with my wife, of course!), and I'll be leading cows again, as I have for 3 of the last 4 years. Fun, relaxing, and free Chick-Fil-A food! :)


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