Tuesday, August 16

My Wife Is A Wonderful Cook!

I know I've been absent from the blogging world lately, but it's not because I've been too weak from starvation. Nope, more like I can't reach over my big gut to reach my keyboard!! My wife is one mean cook, and I mean that in a good way too. (Don't let the "means" confuse you.) Saturday evening, she made banana bread, and boy was that good!! Still is, actually. We're not done with it. Just keep hacking away at it. Didn't even take it out of the pan. Man, it's good.

Better than any glass of sweet tea.

(Just a hint to all you cooks out there. Bake it in a 9-inch round pan instead of the regular bread pans. I think that made a difference. But of course, the greatest difference of all is the cook!)


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