Thursday, July 21

Dr. Bob on Prayer

Dr. Bob has an AWESOME post from yesterday. It is a post on prayer, one that has been in the draft stage for a month. Here's an excerpt:

So what then of prayer? Is it the missing nucleotide in the DNA of
evolution, as Gerard postulates? A cosmic post-it note? Perhaps, although I
prefer to think of it rather differently–it is, to my mind, the coffee house of
another, non-dimensional world, the spiritual world. A world not bounded by time
or space, limits or liabilities. It is friends–not equals, mind you, but close,
trusted friends–sitting together over too-strong brew, sharing odd thoughts,
mulling questions, venting frustrations, angry, remorseful, laughing,
weeping–melding hearts, two into one.

Now, stick with me here, folks. Or rather, stick with him. Go read it. Take your time, 'cause it's a long one. But read it. Absorb it. And be amazed.


At 7/22/2005 9:32 AM, Blogger Joe said...

Found you through Not1Jot. Good posts! I read the prayer post and was awed. Very good. Thanks


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