Monday, December 11

Poll Time for Parents

As Mark Lowry would say, "I'm curious; let's take a poll"....

1. How many of you kept your babies in their infant car seat until they were a year old, or reached their weight to be turned around?
2. How many of you kept your baby rear-facing, but put them in a rear-facing/front-facing seat until they could turn around?
3. How many of you turned your baby around before a year old?
4. How many of you don't worry about the weight and age thing, and do whatever you have to do for your child?

With a 7-month-old who is following in her daddy's footsteps in being tall and slender, I'm wondering if she'll be able to stay in her infant seat until she reaches 1 year old and 20 lbs. The car seat I bought several years ago for my daycare is one of those 20-100 lbs., only forward-facing car seats with straps that can be removed if your child is big enough to use the seat belt and just use the booster seat part. So we're set for however many years she's in a car seat. She also is barely 16 lbs., at not sure if she'll be 20 lbs. by April 26, 2007.


At 12/11/2006 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Lez. That was a motorhome view, and it was in Canada. Lots of snow up there.

At 12/12/2006 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know yet, but I want to hear the results. We already have a very petite, long baby. I can see the same thing happening here.

At 12/13/2006 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't remember what MN's laws are concerning this, though Japheth keeps up-to-date with them. Our baby car-seat expires this month, after five years they say the plastic isn't as durable so it has an expiration date on it. (Well at least we got some good use out of it - five babies worth!)

Usually our next baby pushes the older one to the next size of car-seat . . . Maybe we aren't following the law to a T, I don't know. I let my hubby worry about that. Jaden is quite a chunk! About twenty pounds I think,I haven't weighed him for a while but last time he was nineteen something.

Finally we have two that aren't in car-seats unless the law changes like they are trying to get it too. They have to be in till four years old and forty pounds. I know in VA it's older than that, but God is merciful to us in this right now! We would have to get a different van if we had to have them in car-seats till they were six. As it is I can hardly fit in the back seat between Loraine and Wayne's car-seats. Car seats take up SPACE!

At 12/13/2006 3:32 PM, Blogger Momof3 said...

I AM aware of the expiration date thing, though since my car seat is up at my folks' right now, I can't check it out until we're up there over New Year's weekend. I'm pretty sure this one doesn't expire for another couple years...I hope I'm right on that one! I'd hate that it sat empty that long, only to have to get rid of it.
Down here I think the law is four years old, but I don't remember if it's four years AND 40 lbs., or four years and/or 40 lbs.
At the rate my daughter's going, she'll be age wise for anything before weight-wise.

At 12/14/2006 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admit, we fudged with both of ours. We put them in a "big" carseat about 9 or 10 months, and let them face forward most of the time. It makes a happier baby because they can see out. Daryn is our petite one, and even by 6 or 7 months, I could tell the infant car seat was actually very uncomfortable for him. I think we moved him about 8 months, but kept him rear facing for awhile. He's 18 months now, and weighs 21 pounds. :) Glad you mentioned the expiration date thing. I need to go check on mine! God bless you as you raise your little sweetie!

At 12/15/2006 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The law in MD is rear facing up to 1 yr. AND 20 lbs. I've heard too much bad stuff to risk not doing that...Aimee, I wondered how you fit all your children in your van without going up to a larger vehicle. We have 4 carseats (and 4 children) and our oldest will need to be in a carseat until she's 6 and they were thinking of changing the law to 8. THANK GOD it didn't pass this last year!! I really like the car seats, although it I also can barely fit between the 2 seats in the back. Thankfully at 4 yrs, a child can switch to a booster seat which doesn't hog so much space. I guess we're pretty strict about the carseat laws (as a family), they always have to be in, ect. but there are times that we have went by the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law-(ie. nurse the screaming infant on a long car ride, when the traffic is slow or not busy)

At 12/19/2006 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been pretty strict with that since its the law. Really bad things can happen when you dont follow the law on this type of thing. It can be viewed as " child endangerment". But its funny really when you think of back in the day when some of the rest of us were little we stood UP on the seat when the car was in motion. Mom would just reach out her arm to stabilize us when we'd get to a stop sign. Things are a tad more complicated now.. ~Tessa


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