Sunday, May 22

Pictures of Puerto Rico

Ok, so I've finally gotten around to putting a few pictures on my post. Here you go. Oh, by the way Darin, these were with my camera. APS film and all.

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These pictures were taken out of my Puerto Rico Scrapbook. They were all from our senior trip in February of 2001. Hence the interesting edging etc.

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This was taken at the Anasco Beach, right before we left.

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This is looking down into the waves at the Barceloneta beach Sunday afternoon.

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All the guys on the trip decided to get on the cannonball pyramid at Old San Juan. From left, front row: Willis H., Conrad R., and Brent H. Second row is me and Tony G. On top is Kenneth B., Paul's brother-in-law, Titus' brother, and currently in Guatemala in service.


At 5/23/2005 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mennonite Bloggers: I am interested in starting a Mennonite Blog Ring. I have really come to look forward to my daily dose of Mennonite Blogosphere. My question to you is this: Would *you* be interested in joining such a venture?

"Well, Hans," you may ask, "what exactly does that consitute?" The chief component of such a venture would be a blog roll that would contain a link to all the member sites. Some things that we could add would be: a weekly roundup of the best posts across our blog ring. We could have different categories or just lump them together into one. We could include a short synopsis of the post or just give a link. The options are endless.

I have thought a little about a name. The name I will leave up to the a vote by the founding members. Here some combos I dreamt up from the simple and obvious "The Mennonite Blogring" to the clever and hard to pronounce (doesn't matter if it's hard to pronounce on the web!) "BlogMennoSphere" to "Rebaptized Bloggers" to "Mennonite Ring of Blogs." Like I said: It's up to the members. Nominations welcome.

This blogring would be open to all Mennonite (or Anabaptist or non-denominational with Conservative leanings) bloggers. I would prefer to keep it to blogs that offer content that is of general interest (theology, music, tech, sports, politics, life, news) and not the kind of content that "you have to know him." I'm not excluding personal content. That's what makes a blog interesting! But it needs to be interesting to the general Mennonite or even general Christian or even the general person.

If you're interested in such a venture, drop me an email at: hansmast at hansmast dot com

At 5/23/2005 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! It's great that you put pictures of beautiful Puerto Rico on your blog! Okay, so maybe I'm biased about Puerto Rico being beautiful,but that's definitely my opinion. I can't wait to go visit there again! Your soon-to-be cousin-in-law, Kris

At 5/23/2005 10:54 PM, Blogger Darin Yoder said...

Hey, Vernon, this is on yet another subject, but I'm sure you'll forgive me. If you're wondering what made your blog go crazy when you posted those pictures I'll tell you. You need to resize them. I usually size pics to a 400 pixel width. Hope that helps!

At 5/28/2005 10:08 AM, Blogger Momof3 said...

Hey Hans, great idea!! I'm interested in that, but as you can see, I don't publish every day. Oh well.

Kris, I will never regret going to PR on the senior trip. It was a total trip, to be sure! Many memories, friendships (that I don't keep up with...), and fun. It was a great experience.

Darin, thanks for the tip. I was wondering how to do that, and was going to call or email you for help. But I never had time to do that while I was around the computer. You da man.

At 5/28/2005 8:09 PM, Blogger Darin Yoder said...

That does look better.


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