Thursday, May 12

"This Is How It Feels To Be Free, Yeah"

I meant to post this yesterday afternoon and didn't get around to it. So here it is.

I stopped by me calculus prof's office yesterday noon to see if she was in there. She was on the phone, so I waited until she was off, then went in. She immediately started chuckling, said she got my email but hadn't gotten to answering it yet. She asked my what happened on my final. I could only bow my head and say quietly,"I don't know. I just blanked." She laughed, and said since I had such good grades during the semester, she gave me an A in the class!! I could hardly believe it!! I thanked her profusely, and she just laughed and said."It's ok, this time. Not next time though!" I thanked her again, and wished her a great summer. She told me to have a good summer too, and I walked (or was that floated, I forget?!) out of the room. As I got in my car to go home, the radio was tuned to 88.3 WAFJ. I turned it on just in time to hear PCD sing the phrase "this is how it feels to be free, yeah!" I was like,"Amen to that!!"
"Amazing Grace" would have been very applicable, as well.


At 5/12/2005 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!!


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