Friday, February 18

T. G. I. F.

Thank God it's Friday! I'm not being psychodelic here; I'm serious. I love Fridays. I love every day of the week, but especially Friday. Especially today. I was supposed to get my chem test back today, but alas, Dr. Z. didn't have it. He's not sure where it is. He said that he must have left in on his desk in his office at home, so I, along with one other person in my grade, have to wait till Monday to get my test results. Dr. Z. told us that, although he didn't have an average, the grade spread was 18-104. (There was 4 extra points on the test for bonus.) I'm looking forward to getting it back. I asked him what happens if he can't find it, and he didn't have a clue. It had never happened to him before, so he didn't know what would happen. Oh well.
Another reason I like Fridays is that I have the easiest workload on Friday. Chemistry in the morning, and softball class in the afternoon. Sweet!! Last Friday Dr. Darracott made teams based on what we put down as our 3 favorite positions. Since I was the only person that put down pitcher, I was appointed all-time pitcher. Which means I get to bat for both teams! Double-Sweet!!
Quartet practice last night was fairly good, I thought. We're still half panicked about singing Tuesday evening, but God will provide. See Paul's Blog for the pic. How 'bout that ASU t-shirt!!


At 2/19/2005 9:02 AM, Blogger Momof3 said...

Got my test grade from Dr. Z. A pathetic 79. Good compared to many other souls in the class, but dreadful by my standards.

At 2/19/2005 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I hurt for you! I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE those kind of let downs!!

At 2/19/2005 5:41 PM, Blogger Darin Yoder said...

Does this have the potential to pull down your GPA or will Dr. Z. give you a nice curve?

That's still better than the one music theory test I took back in 02 and made one point above a failing grade. Me and music theory don't mesh very well :-)

At 2/19/2005 10:28 PM, Blogger Momof3 said...

He has a strange way of figuring the grade. The lowest test score gets cut in half and the points are taken out of 50 instead of 100 which gives us about 3 points on the grade he said. Besides we have other projects that he assigns us, lab grades every week, and the final is about 30% of the grade. So this will only be so bad.

At 2/20/2005 2:53 PM, Blogger Darin Yoder said...

Funky grading. Do you think you'll be able to pull off an A for the class?

I'll be praying about it.

At 2/22/2005 12:04 PM, Blogger Momof3 said...

There's been many people who had a D on his tests and because of the grading have pulled a B in the class. So I have a good chance still.


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