Tuesday, December 27


I've got my grades back. I've actually had them back for a couple weeks, but I've been too occupied to let you in on them. So here they are, for your laughing entertainment.

Organic Chemistry --------------------------- 4 hours -- B
Introductory Physics ------------------------- 4 hours -- A
World Humanities ---------------------------- 4 hours -- A
Voice for non-Majors ------------------------- 2 hours -- A
Total GPA for fall 2005 --------------------- 14 hours -- 3.71
Current GPA for lifetime collegiate studies -- 44 hours-- 3.75

Next semester, I'm taking Organic Chemistry II, Zoology, Botany, Physiology and Pharmacology, and Canoeing. I'm really looking forward to my P & P class. It will feel more like I'm a pre-med student instead of a biology major.


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