Wednesday, March 19


How many of you moms have read the Babywise book?


At 3/20/2008 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping you'd have something else written besides the question! Because it can be such a controversial book, I'm a little reluctant to share how I feel about it in a public place. :-) I loved certain parts of it and ignored certain other parts, and experimented until I found what worked for my baby. I don't like the cookie cutter aspect of it, but there are certain things in that book that worked so well that, yes, I'll be reading it again in a few months. Nearly everyone I know who has followed the principles in the book have had happy, well-adjusted children who slept through the night by 2-3 months old. I think it's like any other book. Rarely do I read a book that I agree with everything in it. Is that what you were looking for?

At 3/20/2008 12:06 PM, Blogger Momof3 said...

Yes, Elaine, thank you. I want other mothers' opinions on this book and the "Wise" books and how they worked for their children.

At 3/21/2008 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping you would share too. O well. I dint like it much,. Tey have some good point but... Put it this way, I have been so put down by the "BabyWise" people in my current life that it really turned me off. It works well for some people and!! some babies. But each of us is different and so is each baby. Ok I will not harp on my tacky bad points but if it works for you, enjoy it. Make sure your baby is well fed and happy and enjoy it.


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