Friday, January 21

Faith and Science

I finally got into a conversation with my Biology prof (who is also the staff evolution biologist) yesterday. We're studying meiosis and mitosis, and she made the comment that, during replication, no new information is introduced to the cell. It is all information from previous generations. After class, I got into a conversation with her about different things mentioned in class. (Let me mention here that I had her for Biology last semester, and feel as if she and I have a good relationship.)

I asked her,"If no new information is introduced to the cell during replication, then how do evolutionists explain the change from monkeys to humans, or from one species to the next?" Mutations, she said. We then proceeded into a 45-min discussion of various topics on evolution. She asked me how we have different races (I told her it is only one race of different levels of pigment) and how the earth was populated (I explained the perfect world where there were originally no mutations and therefore it was no problem for Adam and Eve's children to marry). She encouraged me to take her evolution biology class next time that it is offered. Said it would help me clear a few things in my beliefs. She then proceeded to tell me that science has nothing to do with your faith. She quoted Hebrews 11:1 and said that your faith cannot be proven because it is belief in the unseen. Science is based on proven experiments. I asked her if she believed the science she was teaching. . . In the course of the conversation, she told me that the course would be good for me, that I didn't need to tell my parents, etc. She said that she did not allow faith-based arguments in the class. I asked if she would allow a Creationist viewpoint to be presented. No, she said, that would be faith-based. I told her that I could not, in good conscience, take the class if it presents views contrary to my belief and my view could not be presented. She understood, but said it was sad that it had to be that way.

Although I cannot prove Creation by any experiment, neither can I prove it did not happen. Contrarily, I cannot prove that evolution happened, but I can prove that it did not happen.

If science can prove that my faith is wrong, then either it is a faulty experiment, or my faith is in vain.


At 1/21/2005 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suggest to her that she should read some of C.S. Lewis's books. Try Mere Christianity and Miracles. By the way if you haven't already read these books you should.


At 1/22/2005 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I enjoyed your article/blog. I am also saddened that you are unable to participate in the class and present your views/arguments based on your beliefs. I think when someone decides what viewpoints and arguments are allowed in a good discussion, then we are all cheated, not only in regard to the subject, but all the interesting and complex ideas and theories that can be entertaining, informative and make a dull class somewhat bearable.

I have included a URL link below that you should find interesting. It is rather lengthy, but very good.


Tom Danilovich

At 1/22/2005 9:36 AM, Blogger Darin Yoder said...

You know, what's really sad is that this teacher of yours, though she is throwing out any type of faith, is operating on that very thing! You can call it belief if that sounds better, but she's still believing in an idealology that cannot be proven.

At 1/24/2005 11:28 AM, Blogger Byran said...

Vernon, what are you studying, and where?

Interesting post.

At 1/24/2005 11:36 AM, Blogger Byran said...

Ok, so you go to Augusta State University, that's evident from an earlier post.

At 1/24/2005 11:52 AM, Blogger Momof3 said...

Tommy, that link isn't working for me. I had to go to the "origins" homepage, then related links, then to Dr. Bradley's site. I think that's what you meant.

By, I'm studying Biology here at ASU. A pre-med track, and only in my second semester. Or maybe I should sound more optimistic and say already in my second semester. Welcome aboard!

At 1/24/2005 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melon, Hold down - left click on URl above- highlight URL then right click choose copy and paste it in browser URL.

Works for me. I'll send it email also.


Love you like a brother.

Tom & Allison

At 1/25/2005 9:45 AM, Blogger Momof3 said...

Thanks Tommy, that worked. I fear I'm about to get interogated about the "Melon" deal. I'll have to tell my on-pins-and-needles readers about it. Sometime.


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